
Welcome. I’m Ian Stock. This blog is an occasional diary of my leisure interests and activities. Here you can find news of my railway modelling activities, including the Bryandale Railway (formerly the Lower Bryandale Railway) which became quite well-known through the series Narrow Gauge in the Garden, which I presented, and the follow-up book The Art of Garden Railways.

I’m also active in the world of Irish and Scottish traditional music, both here in South-East England and occasionally in those musics’ homelands. I am mostly a fiddle player these days, though I also play mandolin, bouzouki, guitar. I dabble with a Celtic harp. I play in the band Erin’s Grove and I run a monthly Irish music session in Colchester.

I’ve had a number of articles published on both the (L)BR and my indoor models in N gauge. There are now records of quite a few of my railway modelling activities here. Currently my modelling is not very active, as my musical activities are on a roll; I find that it’s either/or with my interests. One day, the modelling urge will re-awaken, as it always has in the past. In the meantime, I’m quite content with my Scottish 4mm scale model Port Deveron.

I have no doubt musings on other issues will creep in from time to time, too.

To contact me,  copy this address into your browser:  blog@sandistock.plus.com

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